Every day, we are constantly interacting with our surroundings and, in a way, also with our thoughts. In our encounters with other people and their reactions to our actions, we can learn a great deal about ourselves. We are, in a sense, mirrors for each other. However, it’s not always pleasant to see what we reflect, leading to uncomfortable reactions at times. This sets off a cascade of thoughts, oscillating between light and dark, making it a challenging task to navigate through the myriad of thoughts pulling us in different directions before arriving at our preferred course of action in a given situation.

Artist: Hans Henning Withus Pedersen (1920-1947). Photo: Per Jan
Many are familiar with the famous words of St. Paul: “For the good that I would, I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do.” This dilemma of thought is something most can relate to and can often lead to feelings of guilt and introspection. The words inscribed at the entrance to the Temple of Apollo in Delphi still ring true: “Know thyself.” Self-awareness and self-understanding can serve as a solid foundation for comprehending our thought processes.
But how does one bring thoughts and actions into harmony with life itself? In a time where conflict and unrest draw closer to us, it might be an opportune moment to reflect on how to become better individuals and align ourselves with life.
A central question arises: what can one do to become a better person? That’s the question we’ll pose the cards.

Cards: Dondorf, Hundertjahrkarten, 1933
The answer is quite simple: one should look at the people one dislike or don’t get along with (5 of Hearts). Ask oneself the question, why don’t I like them? We are all the sum of our experiences, and the 4 of Diamonds thus indicates the world as each of us sees and perceives it. We are all shaped by our experiences. However, other people have different values (6 of Diamonds), a different worldview due to different experiences than us. They may also have a different skin color, sexuality, religion, etc., but we must be able to accommodate people who are different from ourselves (the card value increases from 4-5-6). If we don’t do that, it can end in conflict and division (2 of Spades).
The essence is clear: we must examine our own intolerance.

The Martinus Institute. Photo: Per Jan
Let’s delve a bit deeper into this not entirely insignificant topic. The Danish author Martinus (1890-1981) left behind over 10,000 pages of work. His main work, “Livets Bog” (Book of Life), along with a supplement titled “The Eternal World Pictures” (100 symbols in six volumes), explores themes of cosmology and spiritual development. In his worldview – what he termed his cosmic analyses – he describes the laws of spiritual development.

Martinus 1928. © Martinus Institut / martinus.dk
As a response to a question about tolerance, he wrote the following in the Danish magazine “Kosmos” in 1933. His words may serve as inspiration for what one can do to become a better person and achieve harmony with life and one’s surroundings.
“Discard the concept of “enemies” from your consciousness. – Never retort against anger, slander or other forms of unpleasantness directed against you. – Never say anything evil about anyone or anything. – Be absolutely truthful and honest in all situations of life. – Be absolutely uninfluenced by flattery, praise and criticism. – Never take part in killing, wounding or mutilating. – Never let your thoughts deviate from being concerned with how you can best serve your fellow beings. In so doing you will be practicing the very highest form of yoga or the most perfect training of that part of your development which is within the scope of your will…”
(translated by Mary McGovern)